Friday, August 28, 2015

Animation Personal Project Review

     The scope of the project involved using photoshop and adobe aftereffects. It required pre-knowledge about photoshop. The process of the project included the idea, creating it and then exporting it. The idea was making a ball bounce across the screen. The ball however, would look realistic and circular with shading/ lighting. The bounce process would include adding a realistic bounce motion and adding a squash and stretch effect. After the editing was complete, we rendered out our bounce animation and made it into a video. Along the way, I learned how to better animate objects and how to create a project so it can be animated. If I were to do this project over again, I would change my grass color. My grass color wasn't as green as I would've liked it to be at the end. I would keep my ball color and motions the same. My experiences during this project will better prepare me for my future ones because I now know how to better create objects and how to make it more realistic. I thought that this project was overall very helpful because it gave us a chance to incorporate and use different programs to create a pretty neat animation.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Exploring Graphic Design: Que Graphico Designo

Graphic design is a way of expressing yourself. There are many different ways to express yourself. One way is to send a message. Sending a message is very important because it communicates yourself with the viewers. It also creates a connection and helps relate you to the viewers.  Graphic design is a form of art. Art doesn't have to be in the form of paint or pencil. It can be in the form of letters or numbers. Art is such a broad area of topic that everyone can be a part of it whether you're an artist or not.
           Another personal connection I made during the video is that the design is almost everything. When a design is created, that design isn't JUST a design. It speaks for whatever it represents. I love how any sort of design, can mean whatever you want. It amazes me how one piece of art can connect to anyone because it means different things to different people.
           The final connection I made is possible the best one. I love how art and graphic design can connect you to anyone. Although similar to my last connection, I feel that connecting people by itself is rewarding enough to earn its own point. Connecting to people and breaking the ice is always difficult at first. But with graphic design or art, it makes it that much easier. Everyone has a different interpretation and therefore it can connect everyone.
           Watching the video taught me a few interesting points. It taught me not what graphic design is, but what being a graphic designer means. It means representing people and your artwork. It also taught me how art and graphic design connects people in ways that I have never previously thought about.