Friday, August 28, 2015

Animation Personal Project Review

     The scope of the project involved using photoshop and adobe aftereffects. It required pre-knowledge about photoshop. The process of the project included the idea, creating it and then exporting it. The idea was making a ball bounce across the screen. The ball however, would look realistic and circular with shading/ lighting. The bounce process would include adding a realistic bounce motion and adding a squash and stretch effect. After the editing was complete, we rendered out our bounce animation and made it into a video. Along the way, I learned how to better animate objects and how to create a project so it can be animated. If I were to do this project over again, I would change my grass color. My grass color wasn't as green as I would've liked it to be at the end. I would keep my ball color and motions the same. My experiences during this project will better prepare me for my future ones because I now know how to better create objects and how to make it more realistic. I thought that this project was overall very helpful because it gave us a chance to incorporate and use different programs to create a pretty neat animation.

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