Thursday, May 25, 2017

End of Year Reflection


       Technology. What is technology? technology is a large meme. One thing I've taken from technology is the in-depth knowledge of the adobe suite, After Effects to be precise.  I learned this through extensive youtube videos and online tutorials for specific effects I needed. This is important because these skills have enhanced my basis of learning and will be used in future projects. I faced challenges such as un-cooperating effects, but trial and error fixed most of it.

        I've learned important social skills such as talking. I learned this through my communication and collaboration with others. Most of these conversations consists of one's flaming. I faced challenges such as rude classmates that assaulted my work of masterful art.

       Time management is a skill I have acquired through my journey to enlightenment. I've managed to control my time to better suit my needs and meet my deadlines.

      Since the beginning of my junior year, I've become a leader of my minions. A tyrant of my people. A, god among men. This skill wasn't learned, it was an inherit trait that was brought out through necessity. I faced challenges such as my challengers; they were put down regardless to say.

      What are my greatest strengths/weaknesses you ask? I have infinite strengths and no weaknesses. The great Lord Ng fears none and rules with shivering power. I have improved for the better and have gained many skills and fixed many fears such as a crashing maya. I still need to work on skills such as ruling with mercy.

      My acquired skills gained are to be used for future projects as discussed before, and as many of my minions know; the Great Lord Ng does not take kind to repeating one's self.

       If I were to change one thing, I would change my student minions for a more modern sense. Maybe Malibu Minions? Why you may ask? For more style and education.

       As I write this blog, my time is near. I leave you with but one thing, e-Academy 4 lyfe and e-Communications Academy is for the weak. #eAcademyUp!


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