Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Final's Blog Post

Commercial Video:

           For the commercial video we decided as a group to do an infomercial and everyone in the group participated and contributed with our ideas and thoughts to make and produce our final product. As a group, we came up with a way to make our video entertaining and informational by using the six shot sequence and the three second rule. We used overlays so that when someone was talking, after a 2-3 seconds we should switch to another film of the person or someone else doing something so we don't lose our viewers. The six shot sequence was very helpful to help create our video and be able to make our video look much more professional and top notch. For the video, I made the storyline of the video and made the story board. The video was made to show the simplicity of the watch and how it affects and helps the everyday man/woman. What if your relative or friend was hurt and no one was there to help and you're stuck in traffic? That's a life. A life that has a future and a heartbeat. With the GeoWatch Traveler, that heartbeat can continue to beat on. YOU can be there in seconds and save your friend or relative.


          Graphic Design was my branch in the project. I designed the logo, coupon, and whatever else needed to be done. Let's start with the logo. The GeoWatch Logo is made of four circles intersecting one another in the center. Each circle is a different color, and each color has a different meaning. For starters, the colors not only have meanings, but also represent different cultures and the center would be the point where they all meet. I.E. the GeoWatch Traveler brings cultures and people from all around the world together through travel. The color blue represents innovation and technology, but also represents trust. The yellow circle is associated with happiness or joy, all of which and even more can be achieved through the GeoWatch Traveler. The red circle connects to the feeling of passion, or love. Everyone loves things that help the world rather than destroy it, and the GeoWatch Traveler is economically friendly! That's why the last circle is green. Green represents nature, growth, harmony, freshness, safety, and environment. With a simple logo such as ours, it can also mean many different things. Thought and even more thought is what it took to make the logo. It's easy to remember, easy on the eyes, and represents so much! But, none of those points are the best part of the logo. The best part of the logo, is that every person views the logo differently. Each and every color or circle can mean something different to you. It can be a happy memory, a first kiss, or even your first stuffed animal as a kid. This GeoWatch Logo is among the top logos because it's not what we're trying to say, it's what the LOGO's trying to say. The coupon is a much different story. It was hard enough to design everything by Illustrator, but the actual hardship was deciding on how it was going to look. I wanted the coupon to be like the logo. Simple enough to remember, easy on the eyes, and look professional. I must've looked at hundreds of coupons before designing the now current coupon. But the first design, wasn't the last. I made 4-7 coupons before I made the current one. I had to make the informational text at the bottom of the coupons and alter the logo for the coupon. Now, the GeoWatch Traveler is $149.99. So $50 off is 1/3 of the price. But the point I wanted to make, was that the GeoWatch Traveler isn't and wasn't made so the owners of the company could sit back and sip ice tea in the Caribbean, not saying that we don't, but the Traveler was made for something greater. It was made for the people, and not the the money. The Traveler was inspired by us to make the product for the people. With the GeoWatch Traveler, you can be anywhere in seconds and make everyone that owns it lives' so much easier. GeoWatch's future for the company is not to make more money, but rather to help the people. With that goal in mind I decided I was going to make the coupon $50 off. This product was not made the rich, or the poor, but for the people. Everyone can own the GeoWatch Traveler now that it's only a low price of $99.99.

Website Screenshots:

             The GeoWatch Website was designed by and coded by Jacob, but the content was written by me. I wrote the disclaimer notice at the bottom of the website thus removing the company from any responsibility of a misuse of our product. I also added in a few sample locations and in the sidebar is a summary and goal of GeoWatch. The website would include the information of the watch, what it was made of, and many more! I describe the product, explain why everyone would need one, and included a detailed description of what the product looks like. All in all, making the GeoWatch product just as important as water.


          The overview of the product is very simple yet elegant. I designed the basic design of the GeoWatch Traveler and Kierstyn revised upon it. I made the watch have a digital screen by making the opacity lower. The GeoWatch design was simple and elegant so we decided to use mine. The Watch was easily designable and could be changed (Colors, text, etc.) easily. With that, the packaging was a breeze. The Watch was changed and recolored to match the packaging.

What I learned

           Throughout the year I learned a truckload of skills. I learned how to design, how to make a website, logos, and videos. I was more successful in the field of graphic design and animation so I took on that role in the group project. I used my skills and made a beautiful logo and a professional looking watch. These products required skills in Sketch-Up and Adobe Illustrator. But not all skills are physical. Some skills required for the product would include imagination. I think that going into the branch of e-Communication, imagination was one of my strongest suits. But after finishing one year in e-Communication, I think my imagination was different. Being able to make my ideas real made me imagine differently. I imagined what would a high tech watch look like? What would a travel related logo or commercial look like? With those thoughts in mind, I imagined, and made the logo, coupon, and the watch. I also made the storyboard and helped with the storyline of the video. I was an ISFP. Meaning that I am an introvert. But that's not the interesting part. When we took our "What Animal Are You?" quiz, I got a lion. Going into the quiz I thought for sure I was going to be an otter or a golden retriever. But while I was answering and rating my preferences, I noticed that none of the questions connected to me. I thought that the questions had nothing to do with me and I couldn't care less about some of them. An ISFP got a lion. Even our sub found it interesting. Introverts are usually quiet, and extroverts are usually the ones that end up getting lion. But during our project I tried to take on that lion role, and the end product turned out fairly well. Though I would've preferred to be an otter or golden retriever the way through, I still found that being a lion, weather I enjoyed it or not, was very helpful.
             The process if making the end product took a lot of work. It took a lot of sketching and try/fail before making it to what out is today. After making the final products (Watch), it still took a lot of revising before it looked the way we wanted it to.
             If I could do something differently next time it would be the planning. The planning during this project wasn't great and I ended up having to stay after to finish someone else's work. However, if I could do this project again, I would keep the logo the same. I really enjoyed my end product with the logo and wouldn't change a thing about it.
            We made this teleportation device to help the people. It would make everyones' lives so much easier if they would just give the GeoWatch Traveler a chance.

      ~Ben Ng
        Hr. 1
        May 20, 2015

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