Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Animation: Personal Project Review Animation Story

      My animation story is made with adobe photoshop and adobe after effects. My end product was a human going through the change of turning into a werewolf. This would be an example of man vs self. The beginning of the story doesn't start with a creepy forest under the moonlight, but rather with a storyboard.

    After mapping out a storyboard, I decided on which scenes I wanted to use and which ones I wouldn't use. Upon deciding on which ones to and not to use, I redrew my storyboard with more detail and description. I then drew all the pictures needed to recreate the scenes. Next, I scanned in the drawings then colored and altered them in Photoshop.

       After drawing out all the scenes and coloring them, the project was close to an end. I then imported the files into AfterEffects and started to create the scenes. The end result of the timing and editing looked a little like this.

    Even with the editing and timing done there were a few tweaks made along the way. The werewolf change was made with using pre-made effects. The specific one I used was called "CC force blur." This is the same exact effect that is used to make the Flash's speedy run possible. I simply messed with the direction, shading, and how much blur to apply and the effect was complete. The end product is finished.

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