Monday, October 5, 2015

Animation: Technical Tutorial

   The purpose of this animation was to get a simple understanding of how multi-plane animation works and how to animate it properly. This skill is very important to animators because in the field of animation you need to know a little bit of everything to be successful. Animation is all about telling the story and all stories go to an end. Using multi-plane animation is just one simple way to tell a story in a quick and elegant fashion.


  1. The first step to creating an animation is to first create the images. Using photoshop, start by creating a 5000 x 480px canvas.
  2. On your photoshop canvas, start by creating multiple layers by duplicating the background. To duplicate this layer, select the background layer, right click and select duplicate layer.
  3. Now for the fun part. Painting the multi-plane canvas is tricky. While painting, keep a few things in mind. The objects closest to you, will move the fastest. The layers further back will move less and less. Make sure you paint on the correct layer and to label them. Labeling them will make them easier to identify in Adobe AfterEffects.
  4. After completing the painting process of the canvas, save your .psd file.
  5. Open your canvas file (.psd) in Adobe AfterEffects. 
  6. If opened correctly, you should see different layers in your Adobe AfferEffects. Click and drag them into the time bar.

  7. Organize the layers appropriately
  8. Select the desired layer to animate and press "P"
    • You will notice that a drop down menu appears. This is the positioning panel.
  9. Start by moving the layers/ objects to desired start  location.
  10. Create a starting keyframe by clicking on the stopwatch.
  11. Move the layers across the screen while keeping a straight line by holding shift while dragging.
  12. Do this with all the layers
    • Keep in mind that the further layers move less and the closer layers move more
   13.You have now created your animation. Preview the animation by pressing spacebar. When your animation is at the point where you want it, export it.
    • To export, Goto File
    • Export
    • Add to Render Que
    • Change to desired settings
    • Click Render

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